Emilie Bilman


The Psychodynamics of Poetry, Saarbücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010.

La Rivière de soi, Genève: Editions Slatkine, 2010.

Modern Ekphrasis, Bern: Peter Lang, 2013.

A Woman By A Well, Leicestershire: Troubadour Books, 2015.

Resilience, Leicester: Troubadour Books, 2015.

The Threshold of Broken Waters, Leicestershire: Troubadour Books, 2018

Articles littéraires:

“The Consciousness of the Writing Self in T.S. Eliot and Paul Valéry” in T.S Eliot Journal, UK, 2012.

“The Objective Correlative and TS Eliot’s Poetic Persona(e) in The Waste Land” in The Battersea Review, No.5, USA, 2015.

« Geoffrey Hill’s Poetry and the Phenomenology of the Non-Self » in Journal of Poetics Researcg, JPRO6, March 2017.


 Cahiers (extraits) de Paul Valéry en anglais

La Jeune Parque de Paul Valéry en anglais

Fragments du Narcisse de Paul Valéry en anglais

Poésie de Pablo Neruda en anglais


Ekphrasis, Centre culturel du Manoir, 8 & 19 novembre 2017

Objectivist Poetry, Geneva Stanza, avril-mai 2018